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Lot and company flee Sodom & Gomorrah |
This decrease in church attendance has nothing to do with religion itself, but due to social circumstances. Many European nations are struggling to keep an economy because of this. There aren't enough people to contribute to the economical system. The United States of America is facing the same challenge. Without kids, who will continue a nation, a culture etc? Christianity is not going to disappear. On the contrary, studies show that religion is increasing while atheism is on the decline.
I'm assuming that "Rosa" is basing his conclusion on a recent comment made by the church of England's leader. (see: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/24/church-of-england-see-itself) However, other reports claim the church of England to be "stabilizing." (see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22426144) While the church of England may be struggling, this does not mean all of Christianity is struggling. Catholicism is still the dominant religion on Earth and has seen increases throughout the world, even in the United Kingdom. (see: http://www.nationalcouncilofchurches.us, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1573452/Britain-has-become-a-Catholic-country.html)
In my opinion, the church of England is struggling because of the way it waters down Christian theology and values as they have been taught by the Catholic Church since she was founded by Christ Jesus. People want a religion that challenges them to change and go against their vices, not a church that encourages vices and immorality. Who needs a church that doesn't believe anything is sinful anymore? Who needs a gym that encourages gluttony and sloth instead of hard work, exercise, discipline and a change of bad habits?
Attitude of Sex Revision
"Rosa" relies on a survey (http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2813%2962035-8/abstract) to base his ideas that people are more open to "experimenting" and hence, there is more happiness and freedom. Is this true? Does looking at sex as a mere pastime where we find a partner of any gender to use as a toy make our lives better and "freer?" Let's look at the facts: First, a survey is never 100% accurate. Surveys can be sent to specific people to get specific replies. This can and will lead to bias. I laugh at surveys that claim the majority of Catholics are against the Pope knowing that I and others were never given such a survey and that the ones who answered them were non-catholics or non-practicing catholics. Conclusions are then made based on these biased surveys. Similarly, any psychology student is taught that surveys are not 100% perfect, and that they are difficult to use when preparing an ANOVA statement with Tukey's HSD. For those who do not know the latter, they are statistical formulations used in studies and research to determine correlation, causation, increases, decreases etc. "Rubicondior" writes:
So, now our increasing rejection of Christian guilt-ridden censoriousness over sex has allowed the subject of sex out of the closet, we are becoming more adventurous, more willing to experiment and more likely to be sexually fulfilled. At the same time we are becoming more conscious of the need to be more considerate, more tolerant and above all more mindful of the fact that our sexual activities can actually be harmful to others. All in all, a kinder, more considerate and more caring society than that formerly imposed on us by an exclusively male, and often sexually repressed, predatory, even paedophilic, clergy.Again, "Rubicondior" is posting nonsensical hyperbole along with religious hate. No one is rejecting Christianity or any "guilt-ridden" ideas. In fact, Islam in some cases is replacing Christianity in Europe. Islam is far stricter with sexuality than Christianity. (see: http://europenews.dk/en/node/73506) So "Rubicondior" will find that eventually Britain will become more "sexually repressed" if Islam takes over completely and will miss Christianity. Moreover, being "sexually out of the closet" does not make one happy or fulfilled. With the increase of this "out of the closet" behavior, HIV is taking over Europe faster than any religion. (see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/27/aids-europe-hiv-infections_n_4347567.html) There is obviously a correlation between "Rose's" "sexually out of the closet" phenomenon and the increase of HIV infections. When sex is not respected and people are treated like sex objects, then increases of HIV and other infections will occur. Moreover, when morals are set aside, evil takes it place.
Evil as we know has consequences. "Rose" praises homosexuality as a good while studies show that homosexuals have the highest rates of mental illness and suicide rates. (see: http://www.apa.org/monitor/feb02/newdata.aspx) In conclusion, "Rosa" has no clue what he is writing about - as usual. He must look at the entire picture before jumping to conclusions that 1) Christianity is Fading, 2) Sexual Licentiousness is a Good and is helping Humanity. Christianity is not fading away, but is going through a generational change. It is still the dominant religion on Earth and is seeing increases throughout the world. Sexual licentiousness is not a good. The survey which "Rose" cites were done with samples of those who grew in the "sexual revolution" social phenomenon and therefore answered the survey with the only social understanding they know of. Homosexuals have the highest rates of mental illness and suicide rates. HIV is on the rise in Europe and throughout the world. This means people will suffer physically and mentally; which means there is no happiness or freedom. This "revision of sex attitude" has only imprisoned people physically and mentally.